Dedicated software (fully localized to Russian language) that ensures automatic calibration of pressure, temperature, electrical signal and weight measuring instruments using Beamex МС6, version (-R) field calibrator and communicator family, as well as earlier Beamex multifunction calibrators and some other references.
Easy software (localized to Russian language) for automatic multichannel calibration of the temperature, pressure and electrical signal measiuring instruments using series RTC-R and CTC-R temperature calibrators, ASM-R advanced signal multi-scanner, DTI-1000 precision digital thermometer, ASM-400-R multifunction calibrators, nVision reference recorders and pressure calibration systems based on XP2i digital pressure gauges as well as on some earlier Jofra calibrators.
Calibration software for calibration of pressure instruments by different references: Series PG9600, PG7000 Piston Gauges, 6270A, PPC4, PPC4E, PPC3 Controllers as well as RPM4, RPM4-E-DWT-H Pressure Calibrators.